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Analysing and Reducing Vulnerability to OSINT

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OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) is the method and the product of collecting information about a target by using open and publicly accessible sources. OSINT is typically used by threat actors to identify targets, to find out how targets can be attacked, and to be used as part of an attack. It is therefore obvious that organizations and individuals have an interest in limiting or reducing the amount of information that OSINT can produce about oneself.

This project focuses on analysing the potential for OSINT against specific targets, and on assessing how this could be used as part of threat scenarios. The project can also focus on how individuals and organizations can reduce the potential of OSINT against themselves, to mitigate threat scenarios and reduce vulnerabilities.

Aspects to consider include:

  • Assess free tools and resources for OSINT.
  • Open society and openness are a good thing, making a lot of things easier. But how vulnerable are we as individuals and nations due to potentially too much openness?

This project is in collaboration with KPMG.

Publisert 1. okt. 2022 12:11 - Sist endret 12. des. 2022 05:56



  • Poorani Nagendran

Omfang (studiepoeng)