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Implementation of IoT device attestation with TrustZone support


IoT devices are here to stay, and will be even more prevalent in the future. They are generally low cost and can provide high value to the users, and a deployment is generally quite easily extendible with new sensors. Unfortunately due to the nodes being often battery-driven and having low compute-performance, traditional cryptographic security measures are infeasible to perform in deployments. Another unfortunate fact is that in IoBT applications, the nodes can be deployed in situations where restricting physical access might be impossible or counter-productive.

This project aims at exploring the possibilites of leveraging ARM TrustZone to provide a mechanism of remote device attestation on CoTS IoT hardware, from an IoBT perspective. The primary goal is to implement a POC, and to then analyze how well this implementation ensures trustworthy remote attestation.

Publisert 14. des. 2020 07:57 - Sist endret 10. des. 2022 20:05



  • Fredrik Magnussen

Omfang (studiepoeng)