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Hardware Implementations of the McEliece Cryptosystem for Post Quantum Cryptography

This project focuses on implementing the McEliece key-exchange method for secure parameter choices and investigate how the various parts (particularly key generation) can be optimized.

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Post quantum key exchange algorithms based on hard problems from coding theory are believed to be secure post quantum candidates. The McEliece cryptosystem was introduced in the 70s and has been surprisingly stable against cryptanalysis up until this day. However, it has practical limitations with regards to implementation. In particular, key generation can be slow which can make it unsuitable for forward secrecy. Thus, in this project the aim is to implement McEliece (or Niederreiter) for secure parameter choices and investigate how the various parts (particularly key generation) can be optimized. It is recommended that implementations for simulations are done in C/C++ (Alternatively, optimization for FPGAs).

Publisert 30. sep. 2019 09:45 - Sist endret 9. des. 2022 13:08



  • Petter Nyland Røneid, MSc (fullført juni 2021)

Omfang (studiepoeng)