Visualization of Threat Intelligence

The aim of visualization is to aid the analyst in understanding and comprehending the data in question. The ACT platform is an open-source platform for collecting, analyzing, and sharing threat intelligence.

There are several aspects that currently may be interesting to improve the visualization of:

  • hour
  • confidence and trust
  • different data types
  • different "levels" of threat intelligence, see for example the DML model  or the four-tier model of threat intelligence for examples.

This assignment is aiming at improving the visualization capabilities of the data contained within the ACT data model. The student is free to choose what aspects to improve and with what techniques.

It would be possible for this project to be a cooperation between two different students - one with threat intelligence / security as their field, and one with visualization / development as a field.

Publisert 31. aug. 2021 09:41 - Sist endret 31. aug. 2021 10:05


Omfang (studiepoeng)