Trust language for decentralised maritime systems

The maritime sector is in an interesting process of digitalised. That ranges from ship communication and route planning to autonomous ships, which add significant requirements to the security and reliability of these decentral systems.

The Maritime Connectivity Platform [1] privides the foundation for security and reliability that is needed, based on its identity. However, many of the practical components for real work services are still missing.

The project

In this project will be about designing and using programming languages to specify trust relationships that is central for trusted communication and data exchange. The project will build on a decentral trust systems for distributing cryptographic proof trust. 

Specifically, we will focus on creating the foundation for generalised Aids-to-Navigation communication and how this can be integrated in the real maritime sector.

[1] Maritime Connectivity Platform:

Relevant IFI courses for this project

During this master project, you will need to get good foundational understanding of programming languages, decentral systems and information security. Relevant courses during this project would be:

Publisert 9. okt. 2023 17:52 - Sist endret 9. okt. 2023 19:06


Omfang (studiepoeng)