Synthetic thiophenones as inhibitors of biofilm formation

About the project

Bacterial biofilms are formed everywhere in the nature where there is humidity and nutrients. Bacteria in biofilms changes properties compared to free-floating bacteria. They are more resistant and behave more like multi cellular organisms.

Biofilms can develop on the interiors of pipes leading to clogging and corrosion.

Biofilms on floors and counters can make sanitation difficult in food preparation areas.

Bacterial adhesion to boat hulls serves as the foundation for biofouling of seagoing vessels. In medicine cause bacterial biofilms more than 80% of all infections.

Formation of biofilm is regulated by a bacterial communication system called quorum sensing.

It has been shown that certain thiophenones inhibit this communication system and thus the formation of biofilms.

Since the thiophenones do not kill the bacteria, selective pressures leading to resistance, may be avoided.


The project is currently financed by The Research Council of Norway.


External collaborators: Prof A. A. Scheie (Faculty of Dentistery, University of Oslo).

Published Dec. 23, 2010 10:08 AM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 3:47 PM


Project leader

Professor Tore Benneche


Detailed list of participants