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MN's pedagogical development conference

At MN's pedagogical development conference, participants have the opportunity to share pedagogical development projects and contribute to a collegial practice.

Since the 1960s, higher education has been changing, and the student body has both increased and become more diverse. This is an important change that means that far more people have the opportunity to take an education. But it also requires a greater awareness of our teaching practice and how we work pedagogically with different needs.

In recent years, there have also been requirements to be able to document how to work with teaching through teaching portfolios whether you apply for a position or promotion, or if you want to be credited as a merited teacher. The requirements for the teaching portfolio may vary, but are usually based on the SoTL principles: focus on students' learning, development over time, research-based approach and a collegial practice.

Sharing across

At MN's pedagogical development conference, you get the opportunity to share your pedagogical development projects and contribute to a collegial practice. The conference is digital and the programs vary based on the contributions to be presented. Carried out in June and in English.

If you want to contribute to presenting your pedagogical development project, contact KURT

Published May 18, 2022 11:39 PM - Last modified Jan. 19, 2024 11:38 AM