Katrine Borgå

Bilde av Katrine Borgå
English version of this page
Telefon +47 22859156
Rom 4505
Besøksadresse Blindernveien 31 0371 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1066 Blindern 0316 Oslo

Research Interests

As an ecotoxicologist my research focuses on understanding mechanisms and processes for contaminant distribution and accumulation in the environment. This includes the influence of food web ecology, migration, life history traits, and biogeochemistry on (re)distribution of contaminants in the context of a changing climate. 

Please see more information in my english personal presentation.


Emneord: Ecotoxicology, Arctic, Polar, Aquatic ecology, trophic tracers, environmental contaminants, mechanistic modelling, multivariate statistics
Publisert 2. des. 2013 11:45 - Sist endret 1. juli 2019 14:03