News - Page 2

CBA centre coordinator Lene Liebe Delsett has launched a new book this week. It is in Norwegian and called Brennmaneteffekten – Hvordan går det med den norske naturen? (ENG: The Jellyfish effect – Is the Norwegian nature doing well?), published by Spartacus.

Microplastic pollution has caused attention worldwide. One of the challenges when studying this type of pollution in soil and sediments, is to separate the microplastic particles from the remainder of the sample. A new study recently published online in the peer-reviewed journal Science of the Total Environment presents a possible solution.

CBA researchers has co-authored a study on lakes now published in Scientific Reports. The results demonstrate a general increase in surface temperature in a global analysis of lakes, while a more variable and unpredictable change in deepwater temperatures. This has major implications for thermal stability and stratification, as well as responses in dissolved gases and thermal habitats for fish and other organisms.