


A seminar with guest lectures from Uppsala University

Wednesday, October 25th, 2017  Lille fysiske auditorium, 2 etasje vest, Fysikkbygningen

What are the unique competencies of a good physics teacher? How do university physics (science) departments accommodate student teachers in their courses? Which values and expectations characterise physics department culture – and how do these interact with student teachers’ aspirations, identity and learning? Who is the ‘implied student’ that teachers or lecturers target their teaching at, and what happens when the ‘implied student’ differs from the real students?

Tid og sted: , Fysikkbygningen, Blindern

I anledning professor Carl Angells 70-årsdag inviterer vi til


Tid:    18. november kl. 10.00-15.30

Sted: Store fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen, Blindern



Tid og sted: , Gol

Norsk fysikklærerforening arrangerer Landskonferanse om fysikkundervisning på Gol i august 2014.

Tid og sted: , Helsinki

Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education (NFSUN) 2014: Inquiry-Based Science Education in Technology-Rich Environments  

Tid og sted: , Nicosia, Cyprus

The 10th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association. ESERA2013 will take place at the University of Cyprus


Tid og sted: , Prague Czech Republic

International Conference on Physics Education, ICPE 2013

The purpose of the ICPE 2013 is to bring together people working in physics educational research and in physics education at all types of schools from the whole world to enable us to share and exchange our experience.

Tid og sted: , Lund, Sverige

The Nordic Physics Days will be held in Lund June 12-14, 2013. The meeting starts at lunch time on the 12th of June and ends at lunch time on the 14th of June. For more information look at the program folder. The Department of Physics at Lund University will host the conference in cooperation with the Nordic Physical Societies.