Path for education, research and discovery

Are you interested in sharing ATLAS data, research excitement and possibly discoveries with other students, and explaining to them modern physics concepts? Join the Path for education, research and discovery! The ambition to bring to the “classrooms” important LHC discoveries is already realized using the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. Approximately 10% of the ATLAS discovery data were made available for students to search themselves for the Higgs boson. Promises of new discoveries in the 13 TeV LHC era and opportunities offered by the CERN open data portal have triggered new educational materials.

We have room for 2 MSc students to work on development of educational material based on new high energy particle physics research 
data and possible coming discoveries.  You will target high school as well as university students, including bachelor, master and PhD levels. In preparing these educational materials you follow the LHC 'heartbeats' with the ambition to influence textbooks and teaching methods. You will integrate the resulting material as part of a dynamic, standalone, web-based library. This “student-based research project” is supported by the Thon Foundation. For more information you are invited to visit the Zpath. You will be working in close contact with the International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) and the ATLAS collaboration. 

Published Mar. 15, 2021 2:22 PM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2021 2:22 PM


Scope (credits)