Guest users

Information for guest users at Department of Geosciences.

This page describes what IT services you can expect as a guest or emeritus at the Department.

To become a guest, a host (employee) at the Department will need to invite you, and do the proper arrangements with the section admins.

What kind of guest?

We can provide different services depending on your need.

Note that if you are already an employee or student at UiO, you will not need to become a guest, even if your employment or place of study is with a different faculty or department. One exception would be for transition periods between positions.

Light-weight visitor, WiFi only

If you bring your own laptop and don't need to use any other IT services, you can ask your host to create a so-called WiFi account. Your host can do this at with no further ado.

You can use this account to log in to the eduroam WiFi network, but you can not log in to UiO computers or online services.

Day visitors can also sign up for the uioguest WiFi network.


If you are a former employee at the department, you can apply for an emeritus affiliation. Get in touch with the administration. Emeritus affiliations are afforded one year at the time.

As an emeritus, you will have roughly the same privileges as a regular guest. Keep reading.

Regular guest

If you need more than just WiFi, ask your host to apply for a guest affiliation. You will need to supply some contact information, like your full name and email address.

If you have an account at UiO, this account will be extended (or revived) with the guest affiliation. Otherwise, a new account will be created.

This account will enable you to log in to UiO computers, to run programs at our servers, etc. You will get an UiO email address that you are expected to read.

Note that some services are not available for guests. In particular, Microsoft licenses for MS365 (Office) and Windows laptops are only for employees and students. As a guest, we can not lend you a Windows laptop, and you cannot download MS Office.

If you are teaching as a guest (or emeritus) at the Department, and you need this license, the Department can purchase a license for you. Get in touch, please provide the details.

Alternatives to having an MS license include

  • Use Linux. You can request to borrow a Linux laptop from IT.
  • Use a Windows Desktop machine. (For the time being, licensing is different for stationary machines.)
  • Log on to Horizon View, use MS Office apps (Word, etc) there.
  • Use MS365 in the online version.
  • Use Libreoffice, Google Docs, or other free (non-Microsoft) office versions.

Guest can also get an access card. When you have the card, ask the nice lady in the reception to enable the card for the doors you need.

Miscellaneous Guides and Resources

How to set up eduroam

How to use UiO webmail

Get or change your password

MS365 Terms of use (for guests).


Admin stuff:

Guest registration and confirmation
Guest system documentation

Lisens for tilknyttede brukere, from USIT.
Geofag: Relevant group is mn-geo-ms365-betalende

Guidelines for offers to pensioners of extended affiliation (Norw.)


Tags: guest emeritus emerita wifi By Hans Peter Verne
Published Mar. 15, 2023 5:11 PM - Last modified May 22, 2024 10:14 AM