Storage on hypatia

This text describes how to access ESS storage on hypatia from Linux and Mac, or private/external machines.

Image may contain: Person, Face, Nose, Chin, Eyebrow.

Hypatia was a philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician in Alexandria.

The storage is immediately available from Linux servers and workstations.

Shortcuts: Servers | Laptops | Mac | Others


Do you use a Windows machine managed by UiO? See the Windows guide.

Geofag Servers and Workstations

There are two instances of the storage, communal and personal. On Linux servers and workstations belonging to the Department (e.g. mimi), you can access them with these path names:


The above path names are actually symlinks:

mimi$ ls -ld /uio/hypatia/geofag-*
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 41 Sep 20 13:14 /uio/hypatia/geofag-felles -> /net/hypatia/uio/fs01/lh-mn-geofag-felles
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 44 Sep 20 13:14 /uio/hypatia/geofag-personlig -> /net/hypatia/uio/fs01/lh-mn-geofag-personlig

You can use the more complex target names (/net/hypatia/...) if the symlinks are missing, for whatever reason.

Not all machines will be allowed to use the storage this way. Let us know if your machine can't, and you think it ought.


On laptops, the locations described above are generally not available.

You can still use sshfs and connect to the storage via Use an empty directory as a "mountpoint", for instance:

$ mkdir hyp-felles
$ sshfs hyp-felles/

Use a similar mountpoint and command for the "personlig" storage. See the ssh page for more information.

Unless you are on the UiO network, you will have to complete 2FA to log in.  See also Access from outside.


On stationary Macs (iMac) and Mac laptops connected to the wired network, the storage can be accessed as an SMB drive. Use "connect to server" (Command-k) in Finder, and type in e.g.


Other machines

The sshfs mechanism shown above can be used on many other machines as well, like Mac laptops and non-geo Linux machines. Note: Don't use mountpoints on network drives!

Also private Windows machines can use this, using an sftp client like WinSCP, Cyberduck, Filezilla, WinSCP, Webdrive. Here is a quick guide using the former:

Start by downloading and installing WinSCP from .

You might also want to download and install VPN.

When you run WinSCP, it will present a window asking for login details. Fill in the hostname as shown below, and your UiO username. Don't write your password here:

Screenshot showing WinSCP login config
You should obviously use your own user name here!

Click the "Advanced.." pulldown menu. Fill in "/uio/hypatia/geofag-felles/" (or "/uio/hypatia/geofag-personlig") as Remote Directory, as shown:

Screenshot showing WinSCP path config

Note that if you don't specify a Remote directory, you will get access to your home directory ("M:"). That can be useful, too!

Back in the "login" window, click Save, and choose a suitable name for this "Site name". Click the name in the left pane, accept the host key and type your password when prompted.

If successfully logged in, you will see the WinSCP main window, with your local files to the left, and the remote files (on hypatia) to the right. You can drag and drop files and folders. Double-clicking files may or may not work as expected.

Admin stuff

For admins...


Tags: sshfs hypatia ESS winscp linux By Hans Peter Verne
Published Sep. 20, 2022 3:05 PM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2024 3:09 PM