EVOGENE Seminar: Pedro Martin-Sanchez - Material-deteriorating fungi - from rock-art caves to your house

Marie Curie researcher Pedro Martin-Sanchez from Oslo Mycology Group (OMG) at the Evogene Section will present a talk entitled "Material-deteriorating fungi - from rock-art caves to your house"

Abstract: Pedro Martin-Sanchez from Oslo Mycology Group (OMG) will present an overview of his research projects on environmental microbiology, indoor fungi and material biodeterioration. The talk will mainly cover two studies: his PhD work on the fungal communities in the Lascaux cave (France) and their role in the biodeterioration of this famous rock-art site; as well as his current MycoIndoor project at EVOGENE that investigates the mycobiomes associated with the Norwegian houses.


More details about Lascaux Cave here (external pages).

Published May 6, 2019 3:37 PM - Last modified May 24, 2019 1:53 PM