Valg av representanter til instituttstyret ved Institutt for biovitenskap for de midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte


Her er kandidatene som stiller til valg til instituttstyret ved Institutt for biovitenskap for de midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte.

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Jocé Cerca

I am originally from Portugal, where I studied biology and ecology (2008-2014). I am currently a postdoctoral researcher with Kjetill Jakobsen, on the CEES. I have my PhD from the Natural History Museum here at the UiO (2015-2019), was in UC Berkeley (2019-20), NTNU (2020-22), and am happily back in Oslo since January this year.

I focus on evolution on islands, and use genomic and bioinformatic tools to analyse big datasets. I think Darwin Finches are boring and there are so many other cool things on islands: Sparrows in Cabo Verde, Daisies in the Galápagos, spiders in Hawai'i ( ).

I'm applying to the IBV board (instituttstyret) because I want to contribute more directly to the IBV. Having worked in two other buildings, I think we're the best institute for biology in Norway and would like to use my energy and vision from an international perspective to keep improving.


Sverre Grødem

Sverre Grødem er ein postdoktor ved FYSCELL, der han studerer hjernen ved hjelp av tverrfaglege metodar som spenner over molekylærbiologi, nevrofysiologi og bioinformatikk. Han har sin utdanning frå UiB og har vore på forskingsopphold ved fleire utanlandske institusjonar. Sverre starta sin doktorgrad ved FYSCELL i januar 2018 og forsvarte den 29. september 2023. Han har eit breitt internasjonalt nettverk og kjenner difor godt til korleis det er å vere ung forskar ved andre institusjonar. I løpet av doktorgradsperioden opplevde Sverre at dyreavdelinga blei stengt, ein pandemistenging og ein asbeststenging - Sverre trur desse hendingane kunne ha vore handtert på ein måte som ville vore mindre skadeleg for den midlertidige akademiske staben. Sverre har eit breitt engasjement for unge forskeres kår i akademia. Om han blir vald, vil han jobbe for å sikre at den midlertidige akademiske staben ikkje blir oversett i framtida. Han ser nye moglegheiter i ei flytting av IBV til livsvitskapsbygget, men er opptatt av at ei slik flytting ikkje skal hindre progresjonen til midlertidig tilsette. Han vil òg jobbe for å betre lønnsutviklinga til postdoktorar ved instituttet, då han sjølv ikkje mottok noko lønnsauke etter fullført doktorgrad og overgang til postdoktorstilling. Sverre er også opptatt av at akademia generelt, men IBV spesielt, skal tilby framifrå og oppdatert utdanning slik at våre kandidatar har eit solid teoretisk grunnlag i realfag og god metodetrening for å kunne gjere ein best mogleg jobb i arbeidslivet, enten det er innanfor eller utanfor akademia.

Sverre Grødem is a postdoctoral researcher at FYSCELL, where he studies the brain using interdisciplinary methods spanning molecular biology, neurophysiology, and bioinformatics. He received his education from UiB and has been on research stays at several foreign institutions. Sverre began his doctorate at FYSCELL in January 2018 and defended it on September 29, 2023. He has a broad international network and is well acquainted with what it is like to be a young researcher at other institutions. During his doctoral period, Sverre experienced closure of the animal facility, a pandemic closure, and an asbestos closure - Sverre believes these events could have been handled in a way that would have been less damaging to the temporary academic staff. Sverre has a strong commitment to the conditions of young researchers in academia. If elected, he will work to ensure that the temporary academic staff is not overlooked in the future. He sees new opportunities in moving the IBV to the life sciences building but is concerned that such a move should not hinder the progression of temporary employees. He will also work to improve the salary development of postdoctoral researchers at the institute, as he himself did not receive any salary increase after completing his doctorate and transitioning to a postdoctoral position. Sverre is also concerned that the university in general, but IBV in particular, should offer excellent and updated courses so that our candidates have a solid theoretical and methodological foundation in science; allowing them to excel within or outside of academia.


Simon Hasselø Kline

After completing my B.Sc. and M.Sc. at IBV, I am now a PhD candidate at the section for Aquatic Biology and Toxicology. Here, I aim to map the effects of anthropogenic pressures on the marine life in the Oslofjord. In addition to my position as a PhD candidate, I am very passionate about research communication and have frequented radio shows and podcasts such as Abels Tårn, Ekko and Jøss. I strongly believe the knowledge attained from public universities should contribute back to society. Therefore, I also participate in the public environmental political discourse through debates in newspapers such as Aftenposten. I am the current coordinator of the Norwegian Biology Olympics during my years as a PhD, supervise multiple master students, and teach in several courses. 

I am highly motivated to run for re-election as a representative for the temporary scientific staff on the board at IBV. Having served in this role over the past year, I have gained insights into the challenges and aspirations of our temporary scientific community. As a dedicated Ph.D. student in marine biology at AQUA with previous experience from law studies, I am passionate about ensuring that IBV is a workplace with fair representation, resources, and opportunities for temporary scientific staff. It is crucial that our voices are heard and that we continue to lay the groundwork for a resilient and vibrant department in the future. Our temporary scientific staff are the driving force behind the scientific work that propel our department forward, and I hope to continue having your support in representing and ensuring that our contributions are valued. I believe I can continue to be a strong representative for the temporary employees in the coming year and all the difficult decisions that await.


Marianne Strand Torvanger

Jeg heter Marianne, og stiller til valg som representant for de midlertidige ansatte i Instituttstyret da jeg tror det hadde vært veldig spennende å bli mer involvert på fakultetet. Jeg har mastergrad økologi med fordypning i entomologi fra NMBU, og begynte som stipendiat på CEES, IBV i fjor. Her forsker jeg på landskapsøkologi hos ville bier, som innebærer hvordan landskapet og globale miljøendringer påvirker funksjonell diversitet og  flygemønstre hos bier. Jeg er spesielt opptatt av hvordan vi kan legge bedre til rette for insekter i fremtiden.



Publisert 21. nov. 2023 12:22 - Sist endret 22. nov. 2023 07:33