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HISP/DHIS2 projects in India

HISP India is one of the oldest nodes in the global HISP network, and has been working in India and other countries in the region since 1999. India is also the site where the DHIS2 was born in 2006. DHIS2 is being used in a number of states in India, and represents large user base which has placed extreme challenges on the infrastructure and DHIS2 and has contributed to state of the art learning on these issues relevant for the whole network.

There are interesting projects which Masters students can work on and develop into interesting and relevant thesis topics. For example:

1. Developing Cold Chain Equipment Inventory Module to be used by UNICEF for strengthening cold chain systems, starting from Laos.

2. Design and development of health information dashboards for states in India, WHO office in India, and other countries.

3. Supporting design and development of DHIS2 based national health information systems for various countries which HISP India is currently supporting.

4. Optimization of large databases and server performance for very large user-based implementations.

5. Working collaboratively with other nodes in the HISP network to strengthen south-south-north collaboration 6. And various other exciting projects involving state of the art technologies.

Sundeep Sahay will be happy to discuss with prospective and interested masters students and provide more details.

Publisert 5. okt. 2020 08:56 - Sist endret 7. sep. 2022 17:08


Omfang (studiepoeng)