Design of analog to digital converter (ADC) for CMOS image sensor

The goal is to design a 10-12b A/D to be embedded in a CMOS image sensor that was designed and tested in previous Master Project.

The motivation is to greatly improve readout speed (framerate) and image quality compared to the current sensor which has analog output. The work will involve:

  • Study of ADC architectures suitable for CMOS image sensors.
  • ADC circuit and layout design and simulation in Cadence.
  • Design of test HW and SW
  • Performance measurements.

If desired, it is possible to work in group of two where one student focuses on ADC design, the other on test HW+SW design.

Emneord: analog design
Publisert 24. sep. 2017 20:03 - Sist endret 26. sep. 2017 16:25


Omfang (studiepoeng)