Future(istic) Transportation

How will we transport ourselves in the future? What is sustainable transportation? How do youth envision how they will travel and move around in 20 or 100 years?

GIF with flying cars

Source: Sci Fi gifs

The transport sector is one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters in Norway. Battery-driven transport is seen as the solution for a more sustainable sector. This is what we are investigating in the EMPOWER project.

But what do youth think about their transportation in the future? Will they still swoop around on their e-scooters or do they envision something else?

We are looking for 1-2 students who want to explore this topic. One of your tasks will be to design and implement workshops with youth, in which you explore how youth envision their future transportation. These workshops can be very hands-on, including the prototyping (wood, paper, lego, etc.) of the future means of transport. The workshops will take place at Klimahuset in Oslo's botanical gardens.

Theoretically, this master's thesis is informed by literature on sustainability transitions and citizen science. Sustainability transitions is a broad field referring to the systemic changes needed in societies in response to the environmental crisis we are facing. Citizen science is scientific research conducted with the participation of the general public.


We regard the social aspect of doing a master's thesis as important as the academic aspect. As supervisors, we will offer you an engaged and inspiring environment in the Sustainability Lab as well as access to experts when needed.

Recommended courses:

Inspiring literature

Citizen science:

Socio-technical transitions to sustainability:

  • Geels, F. W., & Kemp, R. (2007). Dynamics in socio-technical systems: Typology of change processes and contrasting case studies. Technology in Society, 29(4), 441–455. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2007.08.009
  • Smith, A., Voß, J.-P., & Grin, J. (2010). Innovation studies and sustainability transitions: The allure of the multi-level perspective and its challenges. Research Policy, 39(4), 435–448. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2010.01.023
  • Verbong, G., Geels, F. W., & Raven, R. (2008). Multi-niche analysis of dynamics and policies in Dutch renewable energy innovation journeys (1970–2006): hype-cycles, closed networks and technology-focused learning. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 20(5), 555–573. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537320802292719


Emneord: batteries, energy, prototyping, transport, sustainability, bærekraft, socio-technical transitions
Publisert 25. sep. 2023 11:15 - Sist endret 25. sep. 2023 11:15


Omfang (studiepoeng)