Sustainable ChatGPT?

The University of Oslo hosts ChatGPT on its own servers. This will guarantee that our privacy rights are secured. But how about securing the university's commitment to its sustainability strategy? Can we balance values such as privacy and climate goals?

In 2022, UiO adopted a Climate and Environmental Strategy that has set a clear goal: UiO shall reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% by 2030. Achieving a 50% reduction by 2030 will involve an average yearly reduction of 7%. In order to reach this and other goals, UiO has started a yearly Greenhouse Gas Account (in Norwegian).

This master thesis will contribute to UiO's Climate and Environmental Strategy by providing more precise data for its greenhouse gas accounting, while at the same time contributing to discussions about priorities and strategies in reaching UiO's climate goals.

This thesis project combines quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitatively, it asks: What are the greenhouse gas emissions of UiO's hosting of ChatGPT. In practice, this means doing a life cycle assessment (LCA) of ChatGPT. The Sustainability Lab has the technology and expertise to support you.

Qualitatively, this thesis project asks: How does hosting chatGPT affect reaching UiO's climate goals? Does the increased use of AI in research and teaching make UiO a more sustainable university? Who should decide on issues of AI use and sustainability at UiO?

In terms of research approaches, systems-oriented design, systems thinking, and ecological thinking are some of the approaches that fit this thesis. Also computer ethics or AI ethics is relevant here.


We regard the social aspect of doing a master's thesis as important as the academic aspect. As supervisors, we will offer you an engaged and inspiring environment in the Sustainability Lab as well as access to experts when needed.

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Emneord: web, energy, CO emissions, sustainability, bærekraft, bærekraftsmålene
Publisert 18. sep. 2023 13:44 - Sist endret 29. feb. 2024 20:06


Omfang (studiepoeng)