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How Generally Useful are Specific Software Tools & Methods?

Thesis Overview: How universally effective are our software tools and methods? Investigate whether a tool or method that is effective in one software development context is useful in industry in general.


  • Investigate: How various tools or methods perform across different settings
  • Understand: Which underlying factors contribute to the success or limitations of these tools/methods


  • Literature Review: Examine articles that report studies on the impact of existing tools and methods
  • Scripting & Data Handling: Refine existing Python scripts, create new ones, and collect and visualise statistics
  • Comparative Analysis: Compare your findings with results published in  two previously published master theses at Ifi and some articles

Benefits & Outcomes:

  • Comprehensive understanding of software tool/method evaluation
  • Enhanced Python scripting abilities
  • Data interpretation and analytical skills

Career opportunities:

  • Software project or team manager: Make informed recommendations on tool/method efficacy
  • Data scientist: Collect, analyse and present data
  • Research Scholar: Relevant for a career in academia

We expect several students to work in a team on this work, but still with individual theses, and that you attend the course IN5140. A short master's thesis (30 points) would also be OK.

Emneord: software engineering, software development
Publisert 30. aug. 2023 14:57 - Sist endret 21. mars 2024 14:10


Omfang (studiepoeng)