About MNSU

Are you wondering what MNSU really is and what we do? Would you like to join MNSU? Keep reading!

What is MNSU?
The mathematics and natural sciences student council (MNSU) is your voice at the faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences! MNSU has up to 15 students, elected by the students at the faculty to represent you. 

Some of MNSU’s duties are

  • to work towards and arrange for department-wide and student social events
  • to represent the students in matters that affect us
  • to work with the department governments at the institutes
  • to administrate the lockers at Vilhelm Bjerknes’ hus

If you believe that your rights as a student are not being taken into consideration, contact us! You should also contact us with any other feedback in connection with your everyday life as a student here at UiO.

What do we do?
We, the students, must be represented in all boards and committees which can affect us and our lives as students. Students from MNSU sit as your representatives in, among other things:

The study comitee: 
This is the forum where study- and teaching-related matters at the faculty come up. Here, program board leaders, administrative employees and two student representatives meet in order to discuss these matters. Link to this is available in norwegian only. 

The faculty board: 
This is the faculty’s highest governance. Here, we have two student representatives, and through these we can express the students’ input and opinions in matters that pertain to the faculty. 

The student parliament:
Each of the 8 faculties has one representative in the student parliament, who is elected at a general assembly in the spring semester. The student parliament is the highest student governance at UiO and works with matters that deal with UiO and student rights as a whole.

Join MNSU!
Being in MNSU gives you valuable experience in working at an organisational level, and is impressive to write on your CV. In representing all the students at the faculty, you receive many exciting and challenging duties. As an MNSU member, you can participate in organising events, make industry contacts, design pamphlets, be responsible for the treasury, and affect the future of the faculty. You will help to ensure that all students at the faculty are heard!

Being an MNSU member is fun, and very educational!

Every department-level student government at the faculty has the right to nominate a member to MNSU. The rest of the members of MNSU are elected at a general assembly. The assemblies are held every semester, and all students at the faculty have the right to attend and cast their vote. If you would like to join just let us know, either at the assembly or by contacting us!

Publisert 22. des. 2022 14:22 - Sist endret 22. des. 2022 14:22