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Disputas: Jørgen André Hansen

Ph.d.-kandidat Jørgen André Hansen ved Institutt for geofag, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen Quantitative analysis of source, reservoir and cap rocks from the Norwegian Continental Shelf - An integrated study of geology, geophysics, petropyhsics and rock physics for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Jørgen André Hansen. Foto: Privat

Jørgen André Hansen. Foto: Privat

Universitetet i Oslo er for tiden stengt, og disputasen vil derfor bli strømmet direkte via Zoom. Verten vil moderere det digitale mens disputaslederen moderer disputasen. 

Ex auditorio-spørsmål: Disputasleder vil invitere til ex auditorio-spørsmål, og disse kan foretas enten skriftlig eller muntlig ved å klikke "Participants -> Raise hand". 


The Utsira Formation: An overview of the age variations, reasons for discrepancies, and how petrophysical or geophysical data potentially can reduce the uncertainties


Seismiske data som samles inn av spesialskip er en uvurderlig kilde til informasjon om geologiske strukturer og petroleumssystemer i undergrunnen, og er det viktigste verktøyet i moderne olje- og gassleting. Doktorgradsarbeidet inneholder undersøkelser og foreslåtte rammeverk som knytter egenskapene til bergarter under havbunnen til seismiske data. Dette kalles bergartsfysikk (rock physics). Studiet bidrar til økt forståelse av de tre hovedkomponentene i et konvensjonelt petroleumssystem, nemlig reservoarbergarter, kildebergarter og takbergarter.


Populærvitenskapelig artikkel om Hansens avhandling:

Norwegian Continental Shelf - An integrated study of geology, geophysics, petrophysics and rock physics

With seismic surveys it is possible to investigate geological structures deep in the Earth subsurface. Modern seismic exploration for hydrocarbons in the subsurface relies on a good understanding of how different rock properties influence the remotely recorded seismic response. The bridge between the geological properties, understood from field studies or samples, and seismic signatures recorded by a seismic acquisition vessel, is called rock physics.

The work in this doctoral thesis is centered on using knowledge of rock physics as a tool and key for integrating seismic, well log, and laboratory (cores/cuttings) data. The main objective of this study was to characterize source, reservoir and cap rocks of Jurassic age on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The main findings and results of the study include;

1) A better understanding of potential hydrocarbon reservoir sandstones in the Central North Sea and the feasibility of extracting reservoir properties from seismic data in the area,

2) investigation and development of a framework for characterizing source rock potential from acoustic properties, based on data from the Central North Sea, and

3) a detailed study across different scales of the composition and sealing properties of clay-dominated rocks in the North Sea and SW Barents Sea.

Foto og annen informasjon:

Pressefoto: Jørgen André Hansen, portrett; 500px. Foto: Privat

Publisert 30. apr. 2020 09:26 - Sist endret 15. okt. 2021 14:51