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Disputas: Marius Stephane A Lambert

Ph.d.-kandidat Marius Stephane A Lambert ved Institutt for geofag, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen Modelling the critical role of cold acclimation for vegetation survival during extreme winter weather for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Marius Lambert. Foto: Privat

Marius Lambert. Foto: Privat

Disputas og prøveforelesning vil bli holdt i Auditorium 1, Geologibygningen. I noen tilfeller vil det være mulig å delta på prøveforelesningen og disputas digitalt, i så fall blir det lagt ut en lenke til Zoom.


Tirsdag 20 desember, 10:15-11:00, Aud 1, Geologibygningen:

Climate impacts on ecosystems and climatic feedbacks in northern latitudes - observations and future predictions


Klimamodeller er en idealisert gjengivelse av jorden, og denne avhandlingen har hatt fokus på å forbedre den numeriske representasjonen av prosesser for kalde årstider ved høye breddegrader i økosystem-landoverflatemodellen CLM5.0-FATES. Arbeidet har fokusert på to hovedforbedringer; (i) inkludere representasjonen av frosttoleranse i boreale og arktiske økosystemer for å forbedre hydrauliske prosesser i planter, og (ii) forbedre måten frostskader beregnes på, hvor den terskelbaserte (statiske) tilnærmingen erstattes med en dynamisk beregning av mortalitet basert på plantenes tilvenning til kulde.


Populærvitenskapelig artikkel om Lamberts avhandling:

Modelling the critical role of cold acclimation for vegetation survival during extreme winter weather

A climate model is an idealized representation of the Earth. Climate models are under constant improvement as they serve as tools for decision making. The land surface is the most uncertain part of the carbon cycle in climate models. Land models also tend to overestimate the amount of vegetation at high latitudes.

The aim of this thesis is to study and improve the representation in models of vegetation survival in cold regions of the world. In the Community Terrestrial System Model (CTSM), we introduced the capacity of plants to acclimate to cold temperatures during winter. The level of cold acclimation was used to reduce water flow through plant organs and to improve predictions of freezing mortality.

We observe that the reduction of water flow in cold acclimated plants benefits growth by preventing dehydration during winter, but this may be a disadvantage when the simultaneous reduction of photosynthesis is too large. Instead of frost damage to plants when temperature drops below a fixed threshold, plants now receive frost damage when temperature drops below the cold acclimation level, which varies among plants, locations, and time. The changes to the model are significant improvements for the modelling of vegetation in cold environments.

Foto og annen informasjon:

Pressefoto: Marius Lambert, portrett; 800px. Foto: Privat

Publisert 6. des. 2022 10:15 - Sist endret 21. des. 2022 14:15