Prøveforelesning/Trial Lecture: Francois Renard

I høve tilsettingprosessen i ei vitskapeleg stilling - professorat i tektonofysikk - ved Institutt for geofag gjev Dr. Francois Renard prøveforelesninga:

"How rock transformations control aseismic and seismic deformation in the Earth's crust​"

Mandag 7. desember kl 12:15 i Auditorium 1, Geologibygningen.

Alle er velkomne!

Information in English:

As part of the appointment process for the academic position - professor in tektonophysics - at Department of Geosciences, Dr. Francois Renard will give the trial lecture:

"How rock transformations control aseismic and seismic deformation in the Earth's crust​"

Monday December 7 at 12:15 in Auditorium 1, Geologybuilding



Publisert 30. nov. 2015 12:47 - Sist endret 30. nov. 2015 13:01