Nagoya University

Supervisors from Nagoya University, Japan. Visit the web pages of Nagoya University for more information.

MISC - Nagoya supervisors

The list is not exhaustive. 

Visit the web pages of Nagoya University for more information.

MISC - Nagoya supervisors

Katsutoshi Hori

My expertise

My research topics are structure and functional analyses of bacterial adhesins, microbial adhesion mechanisms, microbial cell immobilization for microbial processes, and surface engineering.

Methods used in my lab/group

Molecular analyses; protein engineering; atomic force microscope (AFM); biofilm observation; bioreactor designing; crystal structure analysis.

My involvement with the MISC project

I would like to receive students for internship and also for my student to take coursed or internships abroad. I would like ask professors in Norway side to become an advisor or a mentor for my students in our PhD student program in Nagoya side.


Katsutoshi Hori ( (Japanese only)

Michio Homma

My expertise

The research interests focus on energy transduction and sensory transduction in bacteria. He places a special emphasis on the supramolecular complexes located in the cytoplasmic membrane, namely the flagellar motor complex and the chemoreceptor-kinase complex.

Methods used in my lab/group

The research is performed by structural biology, nanotechnology, molecular biology, molecular genetics, and biophysics. Especially the structural analysis of bacterial flagella is progressing with NMR, electron microscopy and X-ray.

My involvement with the MISC project



Michio Homma (

Hirofumi Aiba

My expertise

Aging and Lifespan using Microorganisms

Methods used in my lab/group

Genetics. Molecular and Cellular Biology. Biochemistry. General equipment for molecular biology and microbiology.

My involvement with the MISC project

I would like to deepen my knowledge on lifespan and aging using microorganism under interactive collaborations among MISC project. I welcome the exchange student between collaborating labs. I am not organizing course at present.


Hirofumi Aiba (

Tetsuya Yagi

My expertise

Infectious diseases, infection control, drug resistance and molecular epidemiology.

Methods used in my lab/group

PCR, Sequencing, Western blotting, RT-PCR, Whole genome sequencing.

My involvement with the MISC project

I hope we’ll be able to participate in the international symposium or participate in the joint research on the MISC without exchange of researchers, although It is difficult to accept or send researchers or students to our department in this project.


Tetsuya Yagi (

Arata Katayama

My expertise

Interaction between microorganisms and humic substances for electron transfer Bio-electrochemical systems for bioremediation and the production of resources and energy. Evaluation of natural attenuation of aquifer and river.

Methods used in my lab/group

Culturing anaerobic microorganisms, GC-MS, HPLC, LC-MS/MS, qPCR, 16S rRNA gene profile, functional gene expression, CHN analysis, XAFS, XPS, NMR, ESR, FT-IR, ICP.

My involvement with the MISC project

I would like to have my students experience the internships abroad, and the postdocs for cooperative study. “Environmental toxicology of soil and water” is open for spring semester (April – August). The class targets mainly the master course students and is carried out in English.


Arata Katayama (

Shogo Yoshimoto

My expertise

My research interest is in the physicochemical mechanisms of bacterial adhesion. I am also interested in the application of this knowledge to bioprocess development.

Methods used in my lab/group

Atomic force microscope (AFM); Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM); Protein expression and purification; General molecular microbiology.

My involvement with the MISC project

I would like to directly instruct the experiments of the visiting students. In addition, I would like to organize an international symposium on MISC project to promote international exchange among young researchers.


Shogo Yoshimoto ( (Japanese only)

Published June 13, 2019 4:06 PM - Last modified July 27, 2023 2:51 PM