Bruker Avance AVII 600

The AVII 600 instrument was produced in 2004 and installed in our laboratories in September 2005 and was demagnetized and put out of service in February 2023 because of the high price for liquid helium resulting from Putin's war in Ukraine. 


Bruker AVII 600 is equipped with a TCI cryo probe and a SampleCase. This instrument is  is dedicated mostly to studies of biomolecules. This instrument is jointly owned by Department of Chemistry UiO (28%) and the Department of Biosciences UiO (28%) and run by cost sharing agreements with School of Pharmacy UiO (22%) and the Norwegian School of Veterinary Sciences (22 %). The use of he TCI cryo probe was discontinued due to the enormously high yearly service cost asked for by Bruker (180.000 NOK). A room temp probe is now in the magnet. Regretfully this probe does not have automatic tuning and matching (ATMA) which severely limits the number of people capable or willing to use this instrument. The instrument magnet is scheduled to be demagnetized late 2021 (when the Corona pandemic allows service personnel to enter Norway) since the magnet is consuming too much helium.  We have no money for retrofitting new vacuum O-rings and re magnetizing the magnet (600.000 NOK +/- 200.000 NOK) so this instrument will be lost for our science due to lack of money.

The instrument is controlled by a Dell Windows 7 64 bit PC ( - named after Clemens Anklin ) running TopSpin 3.0 patch level 4. 

The instrument is configured with three complete radio channels and deuterium Lock and is equipped with a sample changer with 24 positions


Bruker 5 mm TCI cryo probe (1H, 13C, 15N) with Automatic Tuning and Matching (ATMA) and Z-gradient accessories - 1H and 13C observation, 13C and/or 15N decoupling. Cold 1H and 13C preamplifiers

Bruker 5 mm TXI (1H, 13C, 15N) without  Automatic Tuning and Matching (ATMA) and Z-gradient accessories- 1H observation, 13C and/or 15N decoupling

Bruker 5 mm TBI (1H, 13C, 31P) with Automatic Tuning and Matching (ATMA) and Z-gradient accessories- 1H observation, 13C and/or 31P decoupling

Published Jan. 17, 2011 2:18 PM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2023 9:37 AM