Simen Kvaal

Førsteamanuensis - Teoretisk kjemi
Bilde av Simen Kvaal
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Postadresse Postboks 1033 0315 Oslo

Jeg er forsker ved Hylleraas-senteret. Mine hovedinteresser er analyse og utvikling av variasjonsprinsipper og beregningsmetoder for løsning av den ikke-relativistiske Schrödingerlikninga for molekylære systemer. Jeg har gjort grunnleggende forskning i tetthetsfunksjonalteori, koblet klyngeteori, multikonfigurasjonell tidsavhengig hartreemetode, samt utviklet nye algoritmer for den numeriske løsningen av ikkelineære egenverdiproblemer.

Sent i 2014 ble jeg tildelt en ERC starting grant, som dykket ned i selve fundamenbtet for kvanteteori ved å studere bivariasjonsprinsippet. Dette er en generalisering av det vanlige variasjonsprinsippet som er fundamentet for omtrent alle beregningsmetoder i kvantekjemi.

I det akademiske året 2021–2022 leder jeg sammen med professor Thomas Bondo Pedersen et prosjekt ved Senter for Grunnforskning (CAS) ved Det Norske Vitenskaps-Akademi (DNVA). Vårt mål er å utvikle nye metoder for studiet av attosekund kvantedynamikk for molekylære systemer uten Born–Oppenheimer-tilnærmingen.

I 2022 ble prosjektet QOMBINE - Matematikk for kvanteberegning og mangelegemeteori finansiert av Norsk Forskningsråd og Det matematisk- naturvitenskapelig fakultet ved UiO. Prosjektet, ledet av Prof. Nadia Slavila Larsen ved Matematisk institutt, er et unikt tverrfaglig samarbeid mellom forskere innen matematikk, fysikk og kjemi, der jeg er representanten for sistnevnte.

Emneord: kjemi, teoretisk kjemi, coupled cluster theory, density functional theory, manybody theory


  • Wozniak, Aleksander P.; Adamowicz, Ludwik; Pedersen, Thomas Bondo & Kvaal, Simen (2024). Gaussians for Electronic and Rovibrational Quantum Dynamics. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. ISSN 1089-5639. 128(18), s. 3659–3671. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.4c00364. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Aurbakken, Einar; Ofstad, Benedicte; Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Schøyen, Øyvind Sigmundson; Kvaal, Simen & Sørensen, Lasse Kragh [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2024). Transient spectroscopy from time-dependent electronic-structure theory without multipole expansions. Physical Review A (PRA). ISSN 2469-9926. 109(1). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.013109. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ofstad, Benedicte; Wibowo-Teale, Meilani; Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Aurbakken, Einar; Kitsaras, Marios-Petros & Schøyen, Øyvind Sigmundson [Vis alle 12 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2023). Magnetic optical rotation from real-time simulations in finite magnetic fields. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 159(20), s. 1–14. doi: 10.1063/5.0171927. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Faulstich, Fabian M.; Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Csirik, Mihaly Andras; Kvaal, Simen; Pedersen, Thomas Bondo & Laestadius, Andre (2023). The S-diagnostic - an a posteriori error assessment for single-reference coupled-cluster methods. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. ISSN 1089-5639. 127(43), s. 9106–9120. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.3c01575. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kvaal, Simen (2023). Three Lagrangians for the complete-active space coupled-cluster method. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 158(24). doi: 10.1063/5.0148988.
  • Ofstad, Benedicte; Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Aurbakken, Einar; Schøyen, Øyvind Sigmundson; Kvaal, Simen & Pedersen, Thomas Bondo (2023). Adiabatic extraction of nonlinear optical properties from real-time time-dependent electronic-structure theory. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 158(15). doi: 10.1063/5.0145521. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ofstad, Benedicte; Aurbakken, Einar; Schøyen, Øyvind Sigmundson; Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Kvaal, Simen & Pedersen, Thomas Bondo (2023). Time-dependent coupled-cluster theory. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Computational Molecular Science. ISSN 1759-0876. 13(5). doi: 10.1002/wcms.1666. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Schrader, Simon Elias & Kvaal, Simen (2023). Accelerated coupled cluster calculations with Procrustes orbital interpolation. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 158(11). doi: 10.1063/5.0141145. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Teale, Andrew Michael; Helgaker, Trygve; Savin, Andreas; Adamo, Carlo; Aradi, Balint & Arbuznikov, Alexei V. [Vis alle 70 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). DFT exchange: sharing perspectives on the workhorse of quantum chemistry and materials science. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP. ISSN 1463-9076. doi: 10.1039/d2cp02827a. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Adamowicz, Ludwik; Kvaal, Simen; Lasser, Caroline & Pedersen, Thomas Bondo (2022). Laser-induced dynamic alignment of the HD molecule without the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 157(14). doi: 10.1063/5.0101352. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Ofstad, Benedicte; Hauge, Eirill Strand; Aurbakken, Einar; Schøyen, Øyvind Sigmundson & Kvaal, Simen [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties from TDOMP2 Theory. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. ISSN 1549-9618. 18(6), s. 3687–3702. doi: 10.1021/acs.jctc.1c01309. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kvaal, Simen; Laestadius, Andre; Tellgren, Erik Ingemar & Helgaker, Trygve (2021). Lower Semicontinuity of the Universal Functional in Paramagnetic Current-Density Functional Theory. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. ISSN 1948-7185. 12(5), s. 1421–1425. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c03422. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Pedersen, Thomas Bondo; Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Bodenstein, Tilmann; Kvaal, Simen & Schøyen, Øyvind Sigmundson (2021). Interpretation of Coupled-Cluster Many-Electron Dynamics in Terms of Stationary States. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. ISSN 1549-9618. 17(1), s. 388–404. doi: 10.1021/acs.jctc.0c00977. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Bodenstein, Tilmann & Kvaal, Simen (2020). A state-specific multireference coupled-cluster method based on the bivariational principle. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 153(2). doi: 10.1063/5.0009429. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kvaal, Simen; Laestadius, Andre & Bodenstein, Tilmann (2020). Guaranteed convergence for a class of coupled-cluster methods based on Arponen's extended theory. Molecular Physics. ISSN 0026-8976. 118(19-20). doi: 10.1080/00268976.2020.1810349. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Schøyen, Øyvind Sigmundson; Kvaal, Simen & Pedersen, Thomas Bondo (2020). Numerical stability of time-dependent coupled-cluster methods for many-electron dynamics in intense laser pulses. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 152. doi: 10.1063/1.5142276. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Faulstich, Fabian Maximilian; Laestadius, Andre; Legeza, Örs; Schneider, Reinhold & Kvaal, Simen (2019). Analysis of the Tailored Coupled-Cluster Method in Quantum Chemistry . SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. ISSN 0036-1429. 57(6), s. 2579–2607. doi: 10.1137/18M1171436. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Faulstich, Fabian Maximilian; Máté, Mihály; Laestadius, Andre; Csirik, Mihály András; Veis, Libor & Antalik, Andrej [Vis alle 11 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2019). Numerical and Theoretical Aspects of the DMRG-TCC Method Exemplified by the Nitrogen Dimer. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. ISSN 1549-9618. 15(4), s. 2206–2220. doi: 10.1021/acs.jctc.8b00960.
  • Laestadius, Andre; Tellgren, Erik; Penz, Markus; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Kvaal, Simen & Helgaker, Trygve (2019). Kohn–Sham Theory with Paramagnetic Currents: Compatibility and Functional Differentiability. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. ISSN 1549-9618. 15(7), s. 4003–4020. doi: 10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00141.
  • Pedersen, Thomas Bondo & Kvaal, Simen (2019). Symplectic integration and physical interpretation of time-dependent coupled-cluster theory. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 150. doi: 10.1063/1.5085390. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Laestadius, Andre; Penz, Markus; Tellgren, Erik; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Kvaal, Simen & Helgaker, Trygve (2018). Generalized Kohn-Sham iteration on Banach spaces. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 149(16), s. 1–9. doi: 10.1063/1.5037790. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Laestadius, Andre & Kvaal, Simen (2018). Analysis of the Extended Coupled-Cluster Method in Quantum Chemistry. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. ISSN 0036-1429. 56(2), s. 660–683. doi: 10.1137/17M1116611. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Tellgren, Erik; Laestadius, Andre; Helgaker, Trygve; Kvaal, Simen & Teale, Andrew Michael (2018). Uniform magnetic fields in density-functional theory. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 148(2), s. 1–19. doi: 10.1063/1.5007300.
  • Kvaal, Simen & Helgaker, Trygve (2015). Ground-state densities from the Rayleigh-Ritz variation principle and from density-functional theory. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 143(18). doi: 10.1063/1.4934797.
  • Jarlebring, Elias; Kvaal, Simen & Michiels, Wim (2014). An inverse iteration method for eigenvalue problems with eigenvector nonlinearities. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. ISSN 1064-8275. 36(4), s. A1978–A2001. doi: 10.1137/130910014.
  • Kvaal, Simen; Ekström, Ulf Egil; Teale, Andrew Michael & Helgaker, Trygve (2014). Differentiable but exact formulation of density-functional theory. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 140(18). doi: 10.1063/1.4867005.
  • Tellgren, Erik; Kvaal, Simen & Helgaker, Trygve (2014). Fermion N -representability for prescribed density and paramagnetic current density. Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA). ISSN 1050-2947. 89(1). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.89.012515. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kvaal, Simen (2013). Variational formulations of the coupled-cluster method in quantum chemistry. Molecular Physics. ISSN 0026-8976. 111(9-11), s. 1100–1108. doi: 10.1080/00268976.2013.812254.
  • Kvaal, Simen (2012). Ab initio quantum dynamics using coupled-cluster. Journal of Chemical Physics. ISSN 0021-9606. 136(19). doi: 10.1063/1.4718427.
  • Halvorsen, Tore Gunnar & Kvaal, Simen (2012). Manifestly gauge invariant discretizations of the Schrodinger equation. Physics Letters A. ISSN 0375-9601. 376(12-13), s. 1107–1114. doi: 10.1016/j.physleta.2012.02.028.
  • Tellgren, Erik; Kvaal, Simen; Sagvolden, Espen; Ekström, Ulf Egil; Teale, Andrew Michael & Helgaker, Trygve (2012). Choice of basic variables in current-density-functional theory. Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA). ISSN 1050-2947. 86(6). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.062506. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jarlebring, Elias; Kvaal, Simen & Michiels, Wim (2011). Computing all Pairs (lambda, mu) Such That lambda is a Double Eigenvalue of A + mu B. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. ISSN 0895-4798. 32, s. 902–927. doi: 10.1137/100783157. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kvaal, Simen (2011). Multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method to describe particle loss due to absorbing boundary conditions. Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA). ISSN 1050-2947. 84(2). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.84.022512.
  • Selstø, Sølve; Birkeland, Tore; Kvaal, Simen; Nepstad, Raymond & Førre, Morten (2011). A master equation approach to double ionization of helium. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. ISSN 0953-4075. 44(21). doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/44/21/215003.
  • Kvaal, Simen; Jarlebring, Elias & Michiels, Wim (2011). Computing singularities of perturbation series. Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA). ISSN 1050-2947. 83(3). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.83.032505.
  • Pedersen Lohne, Magnus; Hagen, Gaute; Hjorth-Jensen, Morten; Kvaal, Simen & Pederiva, Francesco (2011). Ab initio computation of the energies of circular quantum dots. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. ISSN 1098-0121. 84. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.115302.
  • Hjorth-Jensen, Morten; Dean, David Jarvis; Hagen, G. & Kvaal, Simen (2010). Many-body interactions and nuclear structure. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. ISSN 0954-3899. 37(6). doi: 10.1088/0954-3899/37/6/064035.
  • Selstø, Sølve & Kvaal, Simen (2010). Absorbing boundary conditions for dynamical many-body quantum systems. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. ISSN 0953-4075. 43(6). doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/43/6/065004. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kvaal, Simen (2009). Harmonic oscillator eigenfunction expansions, quantum dots, and effective interactions. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. ISSN 1098-0121. 80(4). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.045321.
  • Kvaal, Knut; Kucheryavski, Sergei V; Halstensen, Maths; Kvaal, Simen; Flø, Andreas Svarstad & Minkkinen, Pentti [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2008). eAMTexplorer: a software package for texture and signal characterization using Angle Measure Technique. Journal of Chemometrics. ISSN 0886-9383. 22(11-12), s. 717–721. doi: 10.1002/cem.1160.
  • Kvaal, Simen (2008). Geometry of effective Hamiltonians. Physical Review C. Nuclear Physics. ISSN 0556-2813. 78(4). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.78.044330.
  • Kvaal, Simen; Hjorth-Jensen, Morten & Nilsen, Halvor Møll (2007). Effective interactions, large-scale diagonalization, and one-dimensional quantum dots. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. ISSN 1098-0121. 76. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.085421.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Schrader, Simon Elias; Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Pedersen, Thomas Bondo & Kvaal, Simen (2023). Time evolution of the Hydrogen atom in a strong laser field using Rothe's method.
  • Schrader, Simon Elias; Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Pedersen, Thomas Bondo & Kvaal, Simen (2023). Time evolution of the Hydrogen atom in a strong laser field using Rothe's method.
  • Kvaal, Simen; Pedersen, Thomas Bondo; Lasser, Caroline & Adamowicz, Ludwik (2022). No need for a grid: Gaussians for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation.
  • Kvaal, Simen; Pedersen, Thomas Bondo; Lasser, Caroline & Adamowicz, Ludwik (2022). Time evolution using linear combinations of gaussians.
  • Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Ofstad, Benedicte Sverdrup; Hauge, Eirill Strand; Aurbakken, Einar; Schøyen, Øyvind Sigmundson & Kvaal, Simen [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Correction to “Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties from TDOMP2 Theory”. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. ISSN 1549-9618. 18(9), s. 5755–5757. doi: 10.1021/acs.jctc.2c00830.
  • Kvaal, Simen (2022). Tie evolution using linear combinations of gaussians.
  • Bodenstein, Tilmann & Kvaal, Simen (2020). A multireference coupled-cluster method based on the bivariational principle.
  • Faulstich, Fabian Maximilian; Máté, Mihály; Laestadius, Andre; Csirik, Mihály András; Veis, Libor & Antalik, Andrej [Vis alle 11 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2019). Mathematical and numerical aspects of the coupled-cluster method tailored by tensor network states.
  • Faulstich, Fabian Maximilian; Máté, Mihály; Laestadius, Andre; Csirik, Mihály András; Veis, Libor & Antalik, Andrej [Vis alle 11 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2019). Numerical and theoretical aspects of the DMRG-TCC method exemplified by the nitrogen dimer.
  • Laestadius, Andre; Penz, Markus; Tellgren, Erik; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Kvaal, Simen & Helgaker, Trygve (2019). Guaranteed convergence of a regularized Kohn-Sham iteration in finite dimensions.
  • Faulstich, Fabian Maximilian; Laestadius, Andre; Legeza, Örs; Schneider, Reinhold & Kvaal, Simen (2018). Quadratic error bounds for the coupled-cluster method tailored by tensor-network states.
  • Faulstich, Fabian Maximilian; Laestadius, Andre; Legeza, Örs; Schneider, Reinhold & Kvaal, Simen (2018). Mathematical analysis of the coupled-cluster method tailored by tensor-network states.
  • Pedersen, Thomas Bondo & Kvaal, Simen (2018). Electron Dynamics with Coupled-Cluster Theory.
  • Pedersen, Thomas Bondo & Kvaal, Simen (2018). Time-Dependent Coupled-Cluster Theory.
  • Laestadius, Andre; Faulstich, Fabian Maximilian; Kvaal, Simen; Legeza, Örs & Schneider, Reinhold (2018). Analysis of The Coupled-Cluster Method Tailored by Tensor-Network States in Quantum Chemistry.
  • Laestadius, Andre; Faulstich, Fabian Maximilian; Kvaal, Simen; Legeza, Örs & Schneider, Reinhold (2018). The Study of Coupled-Cluster Methods Using Strong Monotonicity.
  • Laestadius, Andre; Penz, Markus; Tellgren, Erik; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Kvaal, Simen & Helgaker, Trygve (2018). Generalized Kohn-Sham iteration on Banach Spaces.
  • Tellgren, Erik; Lange, Kai Kaarvann; Sagvolden, Espen; Kvaal, Simen; Austad, Jon & Reimann, Sarah [Vis alle 9 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2018). Quantum chemistry for strong magnetic fields.
  • Faulstich, Fabian Maximilian; Laestadius, Andre; Legeza, Örs; Schneider, Reinhold & Kvaal, Simen (2017). Mathematical aspects of the coupled-cluster method tailored by tensor-network states in quantum chemistry.
  • Laestadius, Andre & Kvaal, Simen (2016). Analysis of the Extended Coupled-Cluster Method.
  • Kvaal, Simen & Laestadius, Andre (2016). The extended coupled-cluster method and its rigorous analysis.
  • Tellgren, Erik; Teale, Andrew Michael; Ekström, Ulf Egil; Kvaal, Simen; Sagvolden, Espen & Helgaker, Trygve (2015). Current density functional theory for molecular systems in strong magnetic fields.
  • Kvaal, Simen (2014). Bivariational approximations & the orbital-adaptive coupled-cluster method.
  • Helgaker, Trygve; Borgoo, Alex; Ekström, Ulf Egil; Furness, James; Hoffmann, Mark & Kvaal, Simen [Vis alle 12 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2014). Density-Functional Theory in Magnetic Fields.
  • Helgaker, Trygve; Kvaal, Simen; Ekström, Ulf Egil & Teale, Andy (2014). Differentiable but Exact Formulation of Density-Functional Theory.
  • Helgaker, Trygve; Kvaal, Simen; Ekström, Ulf Egil & Teale, Andrew Michael (2014). Differentiable but Exact Formulation of Density-Functional Theory.
  • Helgaker, Trygve; Kvaal, Simen; Teale, Andrew Michael; Ekström, Ulf Egil; Jørgensen, Poul & Olsen, Jeppe (2014). Differentiable but Exact Formulation of Density-Functional Theory.
  • Helgaker, Trygve; Kvaal, Simen; Teale, Andrew Michael & Ekström, Ulf Egil (2014). Differentiable but Exact Formulation of Density-Functional Theory.
  • Sagvolden, Espen; Tellgren, Erik; Kvaal, Simen; Ekström, Ulf Egil; Teale, Andrew Michael & Helgaker, Trygve (2013). Building blocks of Current Density Functional Theory.
  • Sagvolden, Espen; Tellgren, Erik; Kvaal, Simen; Ekström, Ulf Egil; Teale, Andrew Michael & Helgaker, Trygve (2013). Building blocks of Current Density Functional Theory.
  • Ekström, Ulf Egil; Kvaal, Simen; Borgoo, Alex; Helgaker, Trygve; Sagvolden, Espen & Tellgren, Erik (2013). Moreau-Yosida regularization of DFT.
  • Kvaal, Simen (2013). Abels Tårn. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Kvaal, Simen; Ekström, Ulf Egil; Tellgren, Erik; Borgoo, Alex; Helgaker, Trygve & Sagvolden, Espen (2013). Moreau-Yosida regularization of DFT.
  • Kvaal, Simen (2013). Ab initio dynamics using the coupled cluster method.
  • Selstø, Sølve; Kvaal, Simen; Birkeland, Tore; Nepstad, Raymond & Førre, Morten (2012). Double ionization with absorbers. EurophysicsNews. ISSN 0531-7479. 43(1), s. 15–16.
  • Kvaal, Simen; Jarlebring, Elias & Michiels, Wim (2010). A numerical method for computing the radius of convergence of Rayleigh Schroedinger Perturbation theory without the need for the terms in the series.
  • Kvaal, Simen (2010). Time-dependent coupled-cluster approach to many-body quantum dynamics.
  • Kvaal, Simen (2010). Time-dependent Coupled Cluster for Many-Body Quantum Dynamics.
  • Kvaal, Simen (2010). Variational Principles for Coupled-Cluster Methods.
  • Kvaal, Simen (2010). Adaptive time-dependent coupled cluster method for wave-packet propagation of many-fermion systems.
  • Selstø, Sølve & Kvaal, Simen (2010). Absorbing boundary conditions for dynamical many-particles systems.
  • Selstø, Sølve; Førre, Morten; Kvaal, Simen; Nepstad, Raymond & Birkeland, Tore (2010). Describing double photo-ionization of helium bymeans of absorbing boundaries.
  • Selstø, Sølve; Kvaal, Simen; Nepstad, Raymond & Førre, Morten (2010). Non-sequential double ionization of helium: Extracting the cross section.
  • Selstø, Sølve & Kvaal, Simen (2010). Absorbing boundaries for more than one particle.
  • Kvaal, Simen (2009). Usynlig Verden.
  • Kvaal, Simen (2009). Rigorous analysis of ab initio calculations for parabolic quantum dots. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kvaal, Simen & Halvorsen, Tore Gunnar (2009). One gauge to rule them all -- Gauge-invariant grid discretizations.
  • Hjorth-Jensen, Morten & Kvaal, Simen (2007). Similarity Transformations, Flow Equations and Many-Body Perturbation Theory: Role of Many-Body Forces.
  • Ofstad, Benedicte Sverdrup & Kvaal, Simen (2023). Time-domain quantum dynamics: Optical properties from time-dependent electronic-structure theory. University of Oslo, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry. ISSN 1501-7710. 2023(2689).
  • Davidov, Aleksandar; Kvaal, Simen & Balcells, David (2023). Improving semiempirical quantum chemistry with graph neural networks. Kjemisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Pedersen, Thomas Bondo; Kvaal, Simen & Ruud, Kenneth (2022). Coupled-Cluster Theory for Electron Dynamics. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo. ISSN 1501-7710. 2022(2507).
  • Hansen, Audun Skau; Pedersen, Thomas Bondo; Helgaker, Trygve & Kvaal, Simen (2021). Local correlation methods for infinite systems. Universitetet i Oslo, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet. ISSN 1501-7710. 2021(2380). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Bore, Sigbjørn Løland; Cascella, Michele & Kvaal, Simen (2020). Advances in the Hybrid Particle-Field Approach: Towards Biological Systems. Matematisk Naturvitenskapelig fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 1501-7710. 2020(2245).
  • Halvorsen, Tore Gunnar & Kvaal, Simen (2009). Manifestly gauge invariant discretizations of the Schrödinger equation.
  • Jarlebring, Elias; Kvaal, Simen & Michiels, Wim (2009). Computing all pairs (lambda,mu) such that lambda is a double eigenvalue of A + mu B. Leuven University Press. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kvaal, Simen (2009). Analysis of many-body methods for quantum dots. Det matematisk naturvitenskapelige fakultet.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 9. feb. 2012 10:25 - Sist endret 4. apr. 2024 11:36