Think career: career course for PhDs studying at the Department of Mathematics

Recently graduated PhD students will share experiences of their own career paths, and you will get feedback on your CV.

The Department of Mathematics has the pleasure of inviting you to the career course customised for the PhDs from our Department.


The schedule is only a suggestion - the exact time for each activity will depend on how the day develops. We suggest that you try to make time to take part in the whole program.

10.00 Welcome and introduction: We take a look at where our alumni work today, if they are happy with their jobs and salaries, and if they think that their UIO education was relevant to the work they do today - the Head of Department, Professor Geir Dahl, and Research Adviser Elisabeth Seland.

10.30 Is there life after PhD? A few of our graduated PhDs/alumni share their experiences about the road from disputation to employment.

  • Fredrik Meyer, Consultant, Expert Analytics
  • Torkel Haufmann, Research Manager, SINTEF (presentation)
  • John Christian Ottem, Professor, UiO
  • Lisa Smith, Research scientist, Institute for Energy Technology
  • Solveig Engebretsen, Research scientist, Norwegian Computing Center (presentation)

11.15 Panel discussion: Our alumni welcome questions from the audience. You will have a chance to ask them everything you want to know about life after PhD graduation.

12.00 Lunch

12.45 Planning a career in academia? Grants and possibilities by Elisabeth Seland, Research Adviser Department of Mathematics

13.30 Wondering what gaps there are in your CV to qualify for your dreamjob? Send us your CV before the course, and we will give you feedback on your CV at the end of the course.

Sign up!

*To prepare for the course you may wish to find your existing CV and e-mail it to ahead of the course. There will be given feedback to all CVs sent in within 14th November, at the end of the course.

Registration deadline: 14th November 13.00 pm.

Publisert 4. nov. 2022 14:12 - Sist endret 17. nov. 2022 13:14