2017 Anton Hales Medal to CEED Adjunct Prof Juan Carlos Afonso

CEED Adjunct Professor Juan Carlos Afonso, Associate Professor at Macquarie University, Australia, has won the 2017 Anton Hales Medal / Australian Academy of Science.

Juan Carlos Afonso. Photo: CEED

Juan Carlos Afonso. Photo: CEED

The Anton Hales Medal is one of the most prestigious in the field of Earth Sciences in Australia. The award ceremony for the will take place at the Australian Academy of Science on 24th of May 2017. Read more about the Anton Hales Medal on the webpages for Australian Academy of Science, and more about Professor Afonso here.

Congratulations from CEED colleagues!


Publisert 16. mai 2017 12:17 - Sist endret 6. juni 2017 21:00