Disputas: Adriana Magalhães Santos Andresen

Ph.d.-kandidat Adriana Magalhães Santos Andresen ved Farmasøytisk institutt, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen "Transcriptome profiling of virus and adjuvant induced innate immune responses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)" for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Portrett av Adriana Andresen

Prøveforelesning - tid og sted

31.01.2020 10.15, Auditorium 1, Helga Eng

Evidence of trained immunity in non-mammalian vertebrates


Infeksjoner er et stort problem i storskala akvakultur, og det er i dag behov for mer effektive vaksiner mot akvatiske virussykdommer. Adrianas arbeid bidrar til en mer detaljert forståelse av immunresponser mot virusinfeksjoner i atlantisk laks og i utvikling av nye hjelpestoffer som øker effekten av vaksinasjon mot virus.

Hovedfunn: Saving your sushi. The road for developing better vaccines

Vaccination plays a vital role in large-scale fish farming, making it the fastest growing food production sector. In the search for better vaccine components to improve efficacy, we applied transcriptome analysis to study genes and pathways affected by different stimuli. An in vitro study was performed to compare changes in immune responses to poly I:C and ISA virus, providing a comprehensive overview of the kinetics of the innate immune response. Although responses were similar, they differed both in time and intensity. Early, strong innate responses to poly I:C shows that it has potential to improve vaccine efficacy. In vivo study in Atlantic salmon, investigating the effect of genetic background and feed composition in response to vaccination, showed that these both parameters had little effect on vaccine response. In a second in vivo study, we explored the immune-boosting properties of poly I:C in different formulations with inactivated ISA virus. We observed clear a difference in response between injection of inactivated virus alone or with poly I:C, demonstrating its adjuvant properties. Systemic approach can be of extreme importance for the future of vaccine design, optimization of delivery systems and antigen/adjuvant formulations. It will help identify protective molecular signatures, facilitate screening for responsiveness to vaccines and help understanding eventual failures.

Les mer: Plantefôr svekkjer ikkje immunsystemet til laksen

For mer informasjon: Farmasøytisk institutt

Publisert 17. jan. 2020 10:00 - Sist endret 17. feb. 2023 06:40