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News - Page 6

Published Dec. 14, 2021 2:01 PM

Monday 13 December, the government introduced new Covid-19 measures. – I am happy that the university can remain open. The measures have little consequence for UiO, as we already largely adhere to what is in the new regulations and recommendations from the government, says Rector Svein Stølen. 

Published Nov. 10, 2021 9:48 PM

In an issue of the Norwegian journal Naturen published today, researchers from CBA present their work to the general public. Topics include climate modelling, browning of the Arctic and freshwater resources, thawing of permafrost, bacterial communities in lakes and pollution effects on green plants and much more.

Published Oct. 26, 2021 9:42 PM

Centre of biogeochemistry in the Anthropocene's annual meeting happened last week, with many great talks and good discussions about future work.

Published Oct. 20, 2021 12:23 PM

Forty-two students have gained work experience from a research project with a scholarship from UiO:Life Science this summer. The end of this year's summer projects was celebrated with presentations, poster exhibition and prize ceremony on 19 October.

Published Sep. 24, 2021 4:31 PM

Social distancing is done for. Reading rooms and pubs can be filled up. Colleagues will again meet at work. As of 4 pm Saturday 25 September, the vast majority of national infection control measures will be removed.

Published July 1, 2021 4:55 PM

The Department of Biosciences is involved in six projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council, where three of the projects are Young Researcher Talent (YRT). 

Published June 3, 2021 1:50 PM

Recently the new biotech company Tribune Therapeutics was established based on research conducted by Ole Jørgen Kaasbøll and Håvard Attramadal. Ole Jørgen Kaasbøll was admitted to UiO:Life Science’ innovation programme SPARK Norway in 2019 and will now assume the role of Chief Scientific Officer in the new company where Georg Vo Beiske, HealthCap has been appointed Chief Executive Officer. Tribune Therapeutics aims to develop a treatment for fibrosis.