News and Blog - Page 3

Published Mar. 19, 2018 12:03 PM

Conference participation is a great route to new inspiration, ideas and networking. Two of our masterstudents, Alexandra and Vegard, recently went to Beitostølen to present their work for the rest of the Norwegian toxicological society - and that they did with flying colours!

Published Mar. 5, 2018 3:11 PM

In my first blog entry as a PhD student here at the Department of Biosciences, I would like to introduce you to the AnthroTox crew, lead by Katrine Borgå and Paul Wenzel Geissler.

Published Feb. 27, 2018 5:29 PM

En spennende del av det å jobbe med forskning på UiO er å delta på konferanser. Og forrige uke var jeg (Julie) på en konferanse om økologi. 

Published Feb. 23, 2018 5:07 PM

Idag er det fredag, helgen nærmer seg med stormskritt, og vi tenkte det passet glimrende å blåse litt nytt liv i ToksBloggen sånn på tampen av februar. Enkelte depper over OL-sølv, mens andre synes å mene det ikke er noe særlig å bry seg om!

Published Sep. 22, 2017 11:09 AM

Some of the species we work with are easiest attained before onset of winter. With summer rapidly coming to an end, Jan and I went to Drøbak this week to sample copepods and threespine sticklebacks.