RCN funding for new CINPLA project

Earlier this year the Research Council of Norway (RCN) announced 270 MNOK for research on digital innovation, of which a CINPLA group has been awarded 16 MNOK for a new project.

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The three main professors. Photo: UiO.

A CINPLA group has been awarded funding for a new project "Bio-inspired neural networks for AI applications" with Prof. Anders Malthe-Sørenssen (Dept. of Physics, UiO), Prof. Marianne Fyhn (Dept. of Biosciences, UiO) and Prof. Gaute Einevoll (Dept. of Physics, UiO) as main applicants, supported by Alexander Stasik and Mikkel Lepperød. The project has been awarded 16 MNOK over a five-year period.

While artificial intelligence (AI) supersedes human skills in some fields, the brain is still far superior in many areas, being more energy efficient, needing fewer examples to learn, it can learn complex tasks easier, and it can transfer knowledge from one task to another. This project will transfer recent knowledge of brain processes to develop a next generation of machine learning methods, opening for new scientific and technological developments.

Published Aug. 30, 2019 2:27 PM - Last modified Sep. 10, 2019 2:43 PM