

Time and place: , Oslo-Copenhagen
Time and place: , Sundvollen
Time and place: , Aud. 3, ZEB

"Geofag 1-emnet har fått ny læreplan i år, og bruk av modeller i geofysikk er nå mer vektlagt enn tidligere. Foredrag om emner som manteldynamikk, platetektonikk, jordskjelv/vulkaner og paleoklima vil passe godt. En bred oversikt over hvordan numeriske modeller i geofysikk fungerer, kan også være spennende".

Time and place: , Oslo-Kiel

Register on

before you enter Norway again

Time and place: , Voksenåsen

How to get there: Take subway line #1 to Voksenåsen (Direction Frognerseteren), and there is a 5 minutes walk from the station.

Time and place: , The Wegner room, 1.211 at CEED, the ZEB buliding
Time and place: , Drøbak
Time and place: , Tøyen Hovedgård, Oslo Botanical Gardens

The Association for Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is organizing a 1 day workshop (Monday 1 Nov) in connection with the Svalbard Science Conference. The workshop aims to bring together early career and established researchers with any interest in research or field work on Svalbard.

Time and place: , by zoom
Time and place: , The Natural History Museum, Tøyen Hovedgård

The Association for Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is organizing a 1 day workshop (Monday 4 Nov) in connection with the Svalbard Science Conference. The workshop aims to bring together early career and established researchers with any interest in research or field work on Svalbard. 

Time and place: , The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Drammensveien 78, Oslo

 A special symposium celebrating the career of professor Fernando Corfu, Department of Geociences and CEED, University of Oslo. 

Time and place: , The Academy of Science, Drammensveien 78

Dress code: smart casual / pent

Time and place: , The Geological Society, Burlington House, London

Invited speakers include:

Alycia L. Stigall (Ohio University), Grace Shephard (University of Oslo), Douwe van der Meer (CNOOC-Nexen), Richard Fortey (Natural History Museum)


Conall Mac Niocaill (Oxford University), Trond Torsvik (University of Oslo), David Harper (Durham University)

Call for abstracts

Abstracts for oral or poster presentations are welcome. Abstracts should be approximately 500 words and include a title, authors and their affiliations. Please send you abstract as word document to Georgina Worrall by September 1st 2018. More information here

Time and place: , Sundvollen
Time and place: , Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

A five-year celebration of The Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics

Time and place: , Ull, Tenerife North

CEED - Conceiving Earth Evolution and Dynamics

Time and place: , Leirubakki, 851 Hella, Island

Conference organizers: Trond H. Torsvik, Lauri Pesonen and Maxwell Brown.

Please email Maxwell Brown at maxwell (at) if you have any questions about the meeting

Time and place: , The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

Venue: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Drammensveien 78. 0271 Oslo

For Invited guests and CEED-staff

Time and place: , St. Florent, Corsica

FORM - From Orogens to Rifted Margins and Back: The formation and deformation of continental margins through Wilson Cycles. A tribute to Prof. Torgeir B. Andersen

Time and place: , ZEB building, Aud 3

The official opening of the national Ivar Giæver geomagnetic lab will be done September 7. Presentations and invited lectures are helt in the ZEB building, Aud 3. 

Time and place: , CEED 1st floor The Morgan room
Time and place: , CEED room V414

More information here