Disputas: Petter Langlete

Ph.d.-kandidat Petter Langlete ved Farmasøytisk institutt, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen "Isolation of bacterial vesicles and characterisation of their genetic cargo" for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

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Prøveforelesning - tid og sted

25.02.2020 10.15, Auditorium 2, Helga Eng

Extracellular vesicles from mammalian cells - importance for cell-cell communication and cancer development from a therapeutic and diagnostic perspective


Sykdomsbakterien Vibrio cholerae sender ut små membranbundne pakker (vesikler) som kan påvirke pasienter under infeksjoner, samt tillate kommunikasjon med andre bakterier. De inneholder spesifikke proteiner og genetiske sekvenser, som kan kaste lys på hvordan de produseres, og hvordan vi kan bruke dem til bruk som vaksiner og andre medisiner.


Bacterial Extracellular Vesicles – Couriers of the Microbial World

Bacteria secrete vesicles, which are small, independent packets of biological material, encapsulated by membranes. These vesicles are thought to help the bacteria during infection, but can in some cases be used as vaccines against the bacteria that made them. However, they carry genetic information, and could potentially transfer antibiotic resistance or other unwanted genes during vaccination. Therefore, we need to know the specific genes that are included in vesicles, and if they pose any risk, or other traits that may be of interest. In this work, genetic sequencing was performed on vesicles from Vibrio cholerae, and compared to the sequences of the bacterium itself. A large number of these were more abundant in the vesicles, including genes important for infection and genetic arrangement, as well as sequences that are bound by certain membrane proteins. Furthermore, some functional genetic sequences were present, some of which break down certain RNA sequences, and others that are important for infection and biofilm. Some have proposed that genes in vesicles may be translated into proteins, but no evidence for this was found. In order to streamline isolation of vesicles for such experiments, several methods were compared side-by-side, leading to important insight for similar projects in the future.

For mer informasjon: Farmasøytisk institutt

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Bakteriar i bøttevis må til for å undersøkja dei hemmelegheitsfulle vesiklane (titan.uio.no)

Publisert 11. feb. 2020 10:00 - Sist endret 21. feb. 2023 07:29