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Procedures with risk assessment and plan for waste disposal (SOP)

At IBV all scientific and educational use of chemicals, biological agents (bacteria, virus, fungi etc), physical factors and radiation sources are described in our SOPs. In the SOP you'll find a written procedure with risk assessment and waste disposal routines.

Where do you find the risk assessments?

All SOP's are written in English and they can be found using the links below.
A search tool is also available; you can find all SOPs that contain certain words/CAS number, chemical name, bacteria strain etc.

Search in all SOP's

The SOP's are divided into:

P-SOP: Risk assessment of procedures

Procedures that describe a general method for e.g. DNA-isolation, use of various solution etc.

S-SOP: Risk assessment of solution recipes

Procedures that describe how to make various solution e.g. 1M HCl, 6% perchloric acid, 1M TRIS etc. This also includes new CLP-labelling of the produced solutions and dilutions.

I-SOP: Risk assessment of instrument use

Procedures that describe use of instruments; e.g. centrifuges.

K-SOP: Risk assessment of lab course procedures

These SOP's do not include the actual protocol, but include risk assessment for all risk aspects in each lab day practical, e.g chemicals, open flames etc.