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Oslo Analytics

About the project

The purpose of the Oslo Analytics project at UiO is to develop models and practical solutions for cyber threat targeting. The project is organized in collaboration with mnemonics, NR, NSM, the Norwegian Defense Intelligence College, US Army Research Labs and TU Darmstadt.


Oslo Analytics develops advanced methods based on big data analysis, machine learning and subjective logic for deeper analysis and situational understanding of security incidents. The project contributes to the international standardization of the format for representation and exchange of cyber threat targeting.


The Research Council of Norway finances the project over 5 years from 2016 to 2020 through the IKTPLUSS program.


The project is led by Prof. Audun Jøsang at IFI. Oslo Analytics utilizes the partners' complementary expertise related to cyber security, and involves several PhD candidates, PostDoc researchers and Master's students.


Publisert 17. aug. 2015 15:55 - Sist endret 5. nov. 2021 08:50


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