Section seminars

The Section Seminars are held every second Thursday and consists of one or more presentations. The speakers are Evogene members or invited guests.

If you have questions related to the section seminars please contact the seminar committee.

Time and place: , Room 4213, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Peptide Signaling and the Evolution of Land Plants

Time and place: , Room 4213, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Outer membrane vesicles produced by respiratory tract bacteria are powerful weapons for increased survival in the host.

Time and place: , Room 4213, Kristine Bonnevies hus.

Silvia Bulgheresi

Assistant professor, University of Vienna

Time and place: , Kristine Bonnevies hus, Room 4213

Decennia of research on model organisms has provided us with a wealth of biochemical detail and in-depth understanding of mitochondria. But, do we really understand mitochondrial biochemistry?

Time and place: , Kristine Bonnevies hus, Room 4213

Allison Williams is a researcher at Institut Pasteur, Department of Microbiology in France. 

Time and place: , Kristine Bonnevies hus, Room 4213

The team representing UiO at this years iGEM will present their project

Time and place: , Room 4213, Kristine Bonnevies

Peris is currently a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology in Valencia, Spain. In December he will move to Oslo and start a post doc position at EvoGene, working on genomics of fungal speciation with Inger Skrede and the Oslo Mycology Group.

Time and place: , Room 4213, Kristine Bonnevies

Professor Michael Hickerson from the City College of New York will give a presentation entitled "Merging Comparative Phylogeography with Community Ecology with high-throughput biodiversity surveys".

Time and place: , Room 4213, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Three researchers from the University of Minnesota will present their work on fish health/aquatox, resistome assessments and distribution of antibiotic resistance through birds.  

Time and place: , Room 4213, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Professor Emeritus James Anderson, University of Toronto will present a talk entitled "Clonal evolution and genome stability in a 2500 year old fungal individual".

Time and place: , Room 4213, Kristine Bonnevies

Marie Curie researcher Andrej Ondracka from Multicellgenome Lab at IBE-CSIC will present "The coenocytic cycle of Sphaeroforma and the origins of animal development"

Time and place: , KBH: Room 4213

Title: The role of environmental factors in shaping the population structure of anaerobic subsurface microorganisms.

Camilla Nesbø, Research associate, University of Toronto ​

Title: Antibiotic resistance, transmission and population genomics of the Klebsiella genus

Edward Feil, Professor, University of Bath

Time and place: , Room 4213

Marie Curie researcher Pedro Martin-Sanchez from Oslo Mycology Group (OMG) at the Evogene Section will present a talk entitled "Material-deteriorating fungi - from rock-art caves to your house"

Time and place: , Room 4213

Simen Hermansen, Håkon Muland Kenich, Tor Arne Justad and Mathias Andreasen are all master students at the EVOGENE section. They will present their projects in a flash Monday 6th of May.

Time and place: , Room 4213

Prof. Dr. Elena Conti from The Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany and Botanic Garden at University of Zurich, Switzerland, will give the talk entitled "Heterostyly: From ecology to genomics".

Time and place: , Room 4213

Guest researcher, Cristian Oliver, from  Universisdad Austral de Chile will give the joint EVOGENE-CIME Seminar on the 8th of April. He will give the talk entitled "Piscirickettsia salmonis: a fastidious pathogen for the Chilean aquaculture industry".

Time and place: , Room 4213

Enrique Rojas from The Center for Genomics & Systems Biology, Department of Biology, New York University, US, will give the talk entitled "Comparative Mechanics of Cell Growth and Survival".

Time and place: , Room 4213

David Bass from The Centre for Environment, Aquaculture and Fisheries Science (Cefas) at the The Natural History Museum in London, UK, will give the talk entitled "Host-associated eukaryotes: another tip of the iceberg".

Time and place: , room 4213
Romain Briandet from the Micalis Institute, a mixed research unit associating INRA, AgroParisTech and the Paris-Saclay University Project, is here to serve as an opponent for Agnieszka Wrobels defense. He will give a talk at an Evogene Extra seminar entitled "Biofilm, the third dimension that makes the difference".

Keywords: biofilms, architecture, antimicrobials, bacterial pathogens, multispecies interactions, real-time confocal imaging.

Time and place: , Room 4213

Agnieszka Wrobel is defending her degree of PhD and will presnt her thesis for us at the Evogene seminar.

Time and place: , Room 4213

Welcome back to a new semester

Time and place: , Room 4213

Marwa Jalal from School of Pharmacy, UiO, will present for us their Flow Cytometry Cell Sorter at an extra seminar on monday 10th of December.

Time and place: , Room 4213

Mathias Andreasen, Hengyi Zhu, Eivind Kverme Ronold, Nick Honkoop and Åshild Fandango Kapperud are all fairly fresh master students that will present their projects in a flash Monday 3rd of December.

Time and place: , Room 4213

Fabio Antenucci from the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at the University of Copenhagen will give a talk entitled "Bacterial outer membrane vesicles and their use in vaccine development" at the upcomming Evogene/CIME extra seminar.

Time and place: , Room 4213

Professor Emeritus Klaus Høiland, from our own section, was just granted funding by the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre for a new project that he will tell us all about on the coming Evogene section seminar.