Forskningsnytt & I media - Side 15

Publisert 13. sep. 2017 12:48

Clint Conrad and Grace Shephard, both from CEED,  have written this week's invited contribution to the EGU Geodynamics division's blog series 'Geodynamics 101'. Here Clint discusses and reflects upon the IPCC projections for sea level rise since the first report in 1990.

Publisert 4. sep. 2017 11:36

Senter for Jordens utvikling og dynamikk - CEED deltar på Forskningsdagene 2017, som i år er viet temaet verdier. Møt oss på Forskningstorget på Universitetsplassen den 22.-23. september.

Publisert 24. aug. 2017 13:18

The processes that form and recycle continental crust have changed through time. Numerical models reveal an evolution from extensive recycling on early Earth as the lower crust peeled away, to limited recycling via slab break-off today