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Centre for Integrative Microbial Evolution (CIME)

The Centre for Integrative Microbial Evolution (CIME) (2014-2019) combined expertise in organismal and molecular biology involving taxonomy, phylogenetics, genomics, epigenetics, ecology, evolutionary biology and developmental biology with extensive experience in different model systems to address fundamental questions of microbial evolution.


The Centre for Integrative Microbial Evolution (CIME) is completed.


CIME PhD defense! On Friday March 16th 2018, Master of Pharmacy Anthony Prandina defends his doctoral thesis entitled "Synthesis, Formulation and Biological Evaluations of Chemotherapeutics Targeting Antimicrobial Resistance" for the degree of Philosophiae doctor (PhD). More information available in the Events section.

CIME Annual meeting (and in conjunction the NFM annual meeting) taking place at Stratos, central Oslo (Folketeaterpassasjen), Friday Oct 27, 2017. Final program now available.

CIME co-hosts "Microbial Surface Colonization Symposium" with the Department of Clinical Dentistry and the Norwegian Society for Microbiology, 29. Aug. 2016

New cross-disciplinary innovation-linked PhD position awarded to CIME by the MN Faculty (Dec. 21) - to work on the ZinChel project, aiming to map resistance patterns and mechanism of action of novel beta-lactam resistance inhibitors - project involving a range of CIME group leaders.

CIME International Symposium: Understanding Antibiotic Resistance through Genomics and Genetics. Friday August 28, Georg Sverdrups Hus, University of Oslo, (Blindern Campus). More information in Events section.

The first CIME Steering group meeting was organized Tuesday November 18 2014, and two lectures were given by Prof. Sven Bergstrøm. Please see Events section!

Altogether six graduate students have been hired - Three in 2014, and three new students in 2015 (to be presented shortly) - and have started their projects in CIME.


For announcements of CIME seminar talks and other microbial biology related events, please visit our Events section. Also, Work in Progress seminars (WIPs) by postdocs and PhD students are organised on a biweekly basis (Fridays at 8.30AM). ​

The CIME Winter Gathering was held December 3rd 2015 in Aud. 2 Georg Sverdrups Hus.

CIME International Winter Symposium was held December 15th in The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, in conjunction with Anne-Brit Kolstø honorary symposium - talks by: Didier Lereclus (INRA-Micalis, Paris, France), Jacques Ravel (Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA), Agnes Fouet (Institut Cochin, Paris, France), Dominique Caugant (Norwegian Institute of Public Health), Mike Koomey (CIME and Department of Biosciences, UiO), Nicolas Tourasse (Universite Bordeaux, France) and more.

CIME Kickoff at Røylen

The CIME kick-off seminar was held Monday 16th June 2014 at Røylen, on the Bygdøy peninsula. Altogether 30 CIME members from PI's to master students both from the School of Pharmacy and the Department of Biosciences participated with seminars, posters and discussions. More info available.

About the Centre

Microbial evolution comprises a continuum of processes occurring with differing tempo and pace. In some cases such as in the context of eukarotic microbes, the macroevolutionary time frame involves hundreds of thousands if not millions of years. In the case of prokaryotes, one can discuss changes happening at both the macro- and microevolutionary levels with time frames that may involve time spans from thousands of years to decades. The shortest time frames for microbial evolution are manifest in the genesis and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance determinants where events are developing on a time scale of a few years to months. Each of these systems provides unique opportunities and challenges to understanding and elucidating the mechanisms driving microbial evolution. Moreover, the basic tools for unraveling these systems exploit shared technologies encompassing genomic and post-genomic technologies, bioinformatics and molecular-based phenotypic analyses. The centre is integrative due to the recognition that common molecular mechanisms are operative and that thus, subdisciplines of microbial biology are no longer isolated fields of study.

The mission of CIME is ultimately to understand how microorganisms evolve and function as a result of interactions at the molecular, cellular, and community levels. Microbes are members of complex communities. It is through the study of interactions between microorganisms and their environment that we can elucidate the roles and relationships of genetic and phenotypic variation in shaping long- and short-term evolutionary processes, spanning the continuum of evolutionary time ranging from organelle development, via adaptation of microbial communities and the molecular origin of pathogenicity, to antimicrobial resistance, which is currently emerging as a serious threat to global human health. To achieve this, we will execute cutting-edge research in microbiology by uniting different biological and biomedical disciplines. Our strength is to combine expertise in organismal, evolutionary and molecular biology. A portfolio of selectively chosen model systems enables us to address fundamental questions on microbial biology in novel ways. In conjunction with this, we aim to develop new, advanced methodologies to assist these studies. It is essential that CIME bridge the cross-disciplinary barriers to create and foster an integrated approach to addressing fundamental questions in biology. The overarching goal is to generate an environment in which scientific excellence can be developed, maintained and fostered.

CIME is a Strategic Research Initiative at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Published Apr. 14, 2014 8:36 AM - Last modified Aug. 21, 2023 9:58 AM


Host department

Department of Biosciences (IBV)

Other involved departments

School of Pharmacy (FAI)


Mike Koomey 

Deputy leader

Ole Andreas Økstad

Leader team

Kamran Shalchian-Tabrizi 


Ole Andreas Økstad


List all participants